Rules & Regulations

  • As the library is the place of individual study and research, members should conduct themselves in such a way as to maintain an atmosphere conducive to this.
  • The Central Library-SUBIS follows an Open Access system members have the privilege of direct access to bookshelves in the Stack and Reference.
  • The library is following Dewey Decimal Classification scheme (000 – 999) for the shelf arrangement of books.
  • Books on loan can be recalled at any time irrespective of the period of the loan at the discretion of the Librarian.
  • Before leaving the counter, the members must make sure that the books lent to them are in good condition and if not, they must immediately bring the matter to the notice of the staff on duty at the circulation counter. Otherwise they shall be held responsible for any damage discovered afterwards.
  • Loss of books on loan should be immediately reported to the Librarian. Members are liable to replace such books or pay an amount as per library rules.
  • If the borrower is unable to replace the book(s) due to not availability of print, then he/she is liable to pay the cost of the book @ Rs. 03/- per page.
  • The members are liable to pay the overdue charges as admissible, in addition to the cost of the book up to the date on which the loss was reported. If the book reported as lost is later found out and returned, then overdue charges will be collected from the due date.PLEASE DO NOT ASK FOR WAIVER OF FINES.
  • Each borrower is responsible for the book issued on that card, so a borrower is requested not to lend his cards to others. Collect your library cards without fail after returning the books from the circulation counter.
  • Readers leaving the library should allow the library/security staff to examine reading material their personal belongings.
  • Issued materials should be protected from Rain, Dust, Insects, etc.
  • Bound volumes and unbound issues of periodicals, reference books, damaged books and CD-ROMs are not issued on loan.


  • The users should enter their membership number, name and the entry time in the gate register kept at the security counter while they enter the library. Similarly, when they leave the library, the leaving time should be entered in the gate register.
  • While entering the library, readers should leave their personal belongings, such as bags, brief-cases, personal books and parcels near the counter reserved for this purpose. However, they can carry loose papers note books and Laptop (without bag).
  • Identity card should be shown at the checkpoint on demand.
  • Loss of borrower’s card has to be reported immediately in writing.
  • Change of Department, Status, Address etc., to be informed and the card corrected.
  • Readers should maintain peace in the library and should not disturb other users in any way.
  • Show the documents which are being taken out of the library, to the staff at the check point.
  • Contact the staff on duty/section staff for any queries.
  • Keep the Library premises tidy.
  • For better use of the Library, members can seek the help of the Library staff. Any infringement of the above will render the privilege of admission to the library and borrowing of books from the library liable to forfeiture.


  • Smoking and eatable items are strictly prohibited.
  • Chairs and tables should not be disturbed from their position.
  • Users should avoid resting their feet on tables, chairs, shelves, window sills.
  • Readers should not deface, mark, cut, mutilate or damage library material in any way. If anyone is found doing so, he/she will be charged the full replacement cost of the material.
  • Personal papers and non-library materials should not be left unattended on tables.
  • Do not move books/journals from its specific area to another area.
  • Do not give Id-card to others.
  • Use of mobile phone inside the library is not permitted. Photography/videography inside the library is prohibited normally, but special permission can be obtained under extraordinary circumstances.
  • Books or other materials taken from the stacks should not be re-shelved by the readers. Books should be left on the reading table after use. (Please remember that a document misplaced is a document lost).


  • Members utilizing the Internet Browsing facilities only for academic purpose should enter the member number, name, login time and logout time in the register kept for this purpose in the respective section.
  • Access to Social networking sites like facebook, twitter, online chatting etc. are not allowed for entertainment porpose.
  • Downloading/installation of any software, computer games, songs, movies etc. are strictly prohibited.
  • Internet and intranet access is limited to academic pursuit only.
  • Don’t save your personal information in library Computers.
  • Don’t save any downloaded document on Desktop or any other drive of library computer.
  • Users are not allowed to use secondary storage devices (As pendrive/ HD cards etc.) in the library computers. As it is cause for computer virus infection.
  • If required, you may use secondary storage devices with the prior permission of in-charge Digital Library.
  • Don’t change any of the library computer configuration/ settings.
  • Do not share Digital Library computer with any other peripheral system or computer.
  • Do not bring any personal computer gadget inside the Digital Library.
  • Online information/materials may not be used for any commercial purpose without prior written permission from the copyright owner.
  • If you need any kind of assistance regarding computer, network issues contact to the in-charge Digital Library.
  • If any person found with violating the library rules, strict action may be taken against him/her.